Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Uberabatitan ribeiroi

Uberabatitan ribeiroi
Salgado & Carvalho, 2008
Meaning of generic name
After the city of Uberaba, located near the type locality of the type specimen of the type species, and the suffix titan, giant in Greek mythology
Meaning of specific name
In honor of Luiz Carlos Borges Ribeiro.

[correct genitive: riberi or ribeiri]
[not given]
Holotype: Specimen A (CPP-UrHo): CPP-1058-UrHo, 1057- UrHo, 914-UrHo, 919-UrHo (anterior cervical vertebrae); 1091- UrHo, 1104-UrHo (anterior cervical neural arches); 992-UrHo, 1023-UrHo (mid-cervical vertebrae); 993-UrHo, 915-UrHo (posterior cervical centra); 922-UrHo, 917-UrHo, 1081-UrHo, 921- UrHo, 929-UrHo, 1105-UrHo (cervical ribs); 1077-UrHo (anterior dorsal); 1068-UrHo (mid-dorsal neural arch); 923-UrHo (dorsal rib); 1099-UrHo (sacral centrum); 1079-UrHo (anterior caudal vertebra); 1017-UrHo (mid-caudal vertebra); 1009-UrHo, 1010-UrHo, 1011-UrHo, 1012-UrHo (posterior caudal vertebrae); 1056-UrHo (anterior haemal arch); 1006-UrHo (posterior haemal arch); 1027-UrHo (sternal plate); 1109-UrHo (right coracoid); 1030-UrHo (left humerus); 1032-UrHo (left radius); 911-UrHo (right radius); 1080-UrHo (right metacarpal); 1029- UrHo, 1103-UrHo (left and right pubes); 912-UrHo (left tibia); 1107-UrHo (left fibula); 1082-UrHo (left astragalus).

Referred Material: Specimen B (CPP-UrB): CPP-1075-UrB, 1022-UrB (anterior cervical vertebrae); 1085-UrB (anterior ⁄ mid-cervical vertebra); 994-UrB (mid-cervical vertebra); 1070-UrB (mid-cervical centrum); 1024-UrB, 1108-UrB (posterior cervical vertebrae); 918-UrB (cervical vertebra); 991-UrB (posterior cervical neural arch); 1014-UrB (posterior caudal vertebra); 1078-UrB (fragment of vertebra); 1065-UrB (dorsal rib); 1018-UrB (mid-caudal vertebra); 1019-UrB (mid-caudal vertebra); 1020-UrB (two fused mid-caudal vertebrae); 1008-UrB (posterior caudal centrum); 1005-UrB, 1003-UrB, 1004-UrB (haemal arches); 1120-UrB (left coracoid); 913-UrB (fragment of right pubis); 1026-UrB (fragment of ischium), 898-UrB (distal end of a right femur); 1106-UrB (left fibula). Specimen C (CPP-UrC): CPP-1116-UrC (mid-dorsal centrum); 894-UrC (partial right femur).
Remains version β
  • Specimen A: 3 anterior cervical vertebrae; 2 anterior cervical neural arches; 2 mid-cervical vertebrae; 2 posterior cervical centra; 6 cervical ribs; 1 anterior dorsal; 1 mid-dorsal neural arch; 1 dorsal rib; 1 sacral centrum; 1 anterior caudal vertebra; 1 mid-caudal vertebra; 4 posterior caudal vertebrae; 1 anterior haemal arch; 1 posterior haemal arch; 1 sternal plat); 1 right coracoid; left humerus; left & right radii; 1 right metacarpal; left and right pubes; left tibia and fibula); 1 left astragalus.
  • Specimen B: 2 anterior cervical vertebrae; 1 anterior ⁄ mid-cervical vertebra; 1 clearly mid-cervical vertebra; 1 mid-cervical centrum; 2 posterior cervical vertebrae; 1 cervical vertebra; 1 posterior cervical neural arch; 1 posterior caudal vertebra; 1 fragment of vertebra; 1 dorsal rib; 2 mid-caudal vertebrae non fused; two fused mid-caudal vertebrae; 1 posterior caudal centrum; 3 haemal arches; 1 left coracoid; 1 fragment of right pubis; 1 fragment of ischium, distal end of a right femur; left fibula.
  • Specimen C : 1 mid-dorsal centrum; partial right femur.
Version γ
Three extremely incomplete skeleta, and extremely disarticulate, none of which has a skull, two of which seem to have had a tail.
Age and Distribution
Horizon: Marilia Formation. Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Locality: Uberaba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil.
Saurischia Sauropodomorpha Sauropoda Macronaria Titanosauriformes Titanosauria
Further Reading
L. Salgado and I. d. S. Carvalho. 2008. Uberabatitan ribeiroi, a new titanosaur from the Marília Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous), Minas Gerais, Brazil. Palaeontology 51(4):881-901.
Creationist comment:
So little is given in holotype, sorry, in specimen C, I am not sure it can be excluded it was a real "titan" or "human shaped but gigantic mighty one" of the nephelim.

But I am not an anatomist or palaeontologist. I am not one of the medicine students of my family.

The other two specimens have bones identified as caudals, i e tail bones.

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